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Estimate shipping rates, duties and taxes

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This is an estimated cost only. Actual cost may vary based on the accurate product category and weight. Additional handling charges may apply

Exchange rate includes bank fees, telex charges, remittance charges, incoming wire charges and currency fluctuations.

Estimated Shipping Cost
INR Nepali Rupees
Price of item (Rs) INR 500.00 NPR 810.00
Sales tax (Rs) INR 10.00 NPR 16.20
Merchant shipping (Rs) INR 50.00 NPR 81.00
International Shipping INR 850.42 NPR 1377.68
Customs and ECS INR 70.52 NPR 114.24
Subtotal INR 1480.94 NPR 2399.12
VAT INR 192.52 NPR 311.88
Total INR 1673.46 NPR 2710.00